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ROSS – NRA Endorses Ross

ROSS – NRA Endorses Ross

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 20, 2007


Conservative Senator Charlie Ross on Thursday received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) in the August 7 Republican Primary for Lieutenant Governor.

“It is an honor to be endorsed by one of the most effective grassroots organizations in the country,” Charlie Ross said. “I am proud to have defended freedom my entire adult life-first as an Air Force pilot and then as a State Senator writing laws that defend our Second Amendment rights.

“As a gun owner, I don’t take our Second Amendment Rights for granted,” Ross added. “I have been proud to fight for this Constitutional right in the Senate.”

Ross was the primary author of the NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine” self-defense law. This legislation gave families the right to defend themselves from an intruder in their home, car, or place of business by any means necessary.

“Thanks to the `Castle Doctrine,’ when an intruder breaks into your house, you no longer are required to retreat before you defend yourself,” Ross said. “You can defend your family and know that the law will be on your side.”

Chris Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF, praised Ross’ record of protecting Mississippians’ Second Amendment rights.

“Law-abiding gun owners in Mississippi have a true friend in Charlie Ross,” Cox said. “We are pleased to endorse him in this primary because we know that, if elected lieutenant governor, Senator Ross will continue to protect the Second Amendment as an individual right with as much strength and vigor as he has in the Mississippi State Legislature.”

Ross has earned an “A+” rating by the NRA by supporting key legislation that protects Mississippi gun owners. One major bill that he helped push through the Legislature is HB 1141, which protects the rights of employees to transfer and store lawfully-protected firearms in locked vehicles while parked at work, prohibits confiscation or seizure of firearms during a declared state of emergency or natural disaster, and protects the right to hunt on private land that is annexed by a municipality or county.

“We ask every gun owner to vote for Charlie Ross for Lieutenant Governor in the Republican Primary on August 7,” Cox concluded.

Charlie Ross Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

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