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Wednesdays with Charlie 7/4

Wednesdays with Charlie 7/4

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 5, 2007

While I have been very happy to see our campaign’s momentum continue to climb throughout this past week, I think we should all take a moment from our busy lives to reflect on the blessings of freedom and democracy for which so many have risked their possessions, their families, and even their own lives.

Even as you are reading this, thousands of troops have voluntarily left their families to defend our way of life and protect our freedom. As a combat veteran in Operation Desert Storm, I understand what it means to be in a foreign land fighting people who only have one goal-to destroy America and everything that we stand for. Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting a virtually invisible enemy and, consequently, face an even more perilous mission. Every time they step into a humvee, a tank, or even a fighter jet, our troops understand that there is a chance that they may lose it all. But they are proud to serve because America’s children and grandchildren deserve nothing less than the freedom that we all have enjoyed.

Their sacrifices are much like those of our forefathers. I recently sent an Op-Ed to several local newspapers on this subject entitled “July 4, 1776: Independence and Sacrifice.” If you get a chance, please take a second to read this article. I hope that it will shed a new light on our forefathers’ sacrifices and God’s plan for the emergence of a great nation.

Please join Sharon and me in remembering all those who have made sacrifices for our freedom, praying for God’s divine protection for those who are fighting in freedom’s defense, and celebrating the rich blessings that all Americans enjoy-our lives and our liberty.

Best regards,

Charlie Ross Press Release

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.
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