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Why is PBS using our money to make a...

Why is PBS using our money to make a film that we’re not allowed to see?

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 11, 2007

Hugh Hewitt:

FG: No, we went to great lengths, under enormous pressure from PBS, to dumb down this film to keep it from being hyperbolic, let alone alarmist. The thing that comes across, though, Hugh, if Americans can actually see this film as opposed to having it be censored by PBS, is that it is alarming what these anti-Islamist Muslims are telling us. They?re alarmed. They?re frightened, not only for their own lives, which are in many cases literally at risk, but for what they see happening to Western societies where these Islamists are insinuating themselves and creating what they call parallel societies. And perhaps your audience is aware of this unbelievable ruling by a German judge, one of the countries under assault from the Islamists just a weekend or two ago, in which she found that a Muslim woman could not divorce her Muslim husband because he was beating her, on the grounds that the Koran permits him to beat her, a prime example of the parallel society that we?re chronicling in this film, and that we think the American people are entitled?they paid for it, they?re entitled to see it.

HH: Frank Gaffney, tell us again the name of the film.

FG: The name of the film is Islam Vs. Islamist: Voices From The Muslim Center.

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