Michelle Malkin caught the moonbats “blackhanded” yesterday. Joe Lieberman opponent Ned Lamont had one of his unofficial attack dogs post this link at the Huffington Post featuring a picture of Joe Lieberman and Bill Clinton decked out in blackface.
Shortly after the post, Jane Hamsher removed the graphic.
Thankfully, Malkin got the screenshot.
It’s just another example of Democrats showing their true feelings, just like on the Ken Blackwell debacle (which was never condemned by the National Democrats by the way).
Then Hamsher goes back on trying to explain the graphic by saying all she was trying to do was to illustrate that Lieberman was a racist – just like those evil Republicans.
Pretty distubring stuff.
Kind of like at home where he have the ACLU and the NAACP accusing the City of racial profiling.
What was that story about the boy who cried wolf?