Today, newly-elected Members of the U.S. House of Representatives arrived in Washington, D.C., for New Member Orientation. At least 54 Members-elect will make the trip to Capitol Hill for the orientation, including an increased number of Republicans, narrowing the margins of the Democratic majority. Despite projections of net losses, Republicans gained at least six seats in the House of Representatives and will introduce a diverse freshman class, including a record number of women, to serve in the People’s House.
“I welcome the newest group of Representatives to the House and look forward to working with all of you for the future of our nation,” Guest said. “Across the country, Americans came out in record numbers and elected a wide range of individuals with diverse backgrounds to serve in Congress. American citizens set a new bar by electing a record number of Republican women to the House, an example of the expanding reach of our party that will continue to grow as increasing numbers of individuals embrace the core ideals that have made our country great, such as traditional family values, individual responsibility, and the Christian faith.”
Congressman Guest also commented on the upset victories of many Republicans across the country. “Our nation spoke in the House elections, rejecting the ideas of extremist socialism and the defund the police movement. I believe we will be able to work together and across party lines to address the issues that matter to the American people, like fixing our aging infrastructure, and reject the ideas of the radical left that have consumed our nation in riots and violence in the past months.”
Congressman Michael Guest represents Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. He serves on the House Committee on Homeland Security, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Committee on Ethics.
Press Release