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Melick: NCAA rule makes bad choices...

Melick: NCAA rule makes bad choices easier

By: Magnolia Tribune - May 4, 2009

Melick: NCAA rule makes bad choices easier

You want to know how easy it is to stay eligible for one season of college basketball?
An old coach once told me all you have to do is take four classes in the fall, get two Ds and two Fs, register for class in the spring but don’t bother showing up, and you’re good to go — all the way to the NCAA Championship Game.
Then you turn pro.
Of course, that only works if you’re one of those players who didn’t need to go to college to find out your pro potential in the first place.
For everyone else that plays college basketball and dreams of one day being in the NBA, trying to decide exactly which spring is the right spring to quit going to class is critical.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.