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PERRY: HB1523 restricts government...

PERRY: HB1523 restricts government interference and accommodates religious beliefs

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 7, 2016

BRIAN PERRY/More accommodation

The American tradition in religion is one of restricting government interference and accommodating religious beliefs. House Bill 1523, the Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, embraces both of those principles.

The measure contains two sections which restricts state government from discriminating against religious organizations; four sections that prohibit government from interfering with a person for acting (or not acting) based on their religious beliefs; one section prevents government retaliation against a state employee for expressing religious beliefs in their private capacity; and one section accommodates possible religious beliefs of circuit clerks.

Yes, the religious beliefs discussed involve a view of traditional marriage. Yes, the Supreme Court has ruled same-sex couples can be married. No, the measure does not interfere with that Supreme Court decision or the right of same-sex couples to marry.

I understand the passion for equality. I’m unclear what exactly is the opposition to this specific legislation.

Madison County Journal

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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.