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Mississippi U.S. Senate candidates...

Mississippi U.S. Senate candidates weigh in on Kavanaugh nomination

By: Sarah Ulmer - July 30, 2018

Photo courtesy of The Hill

President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme court is something that all senate candidates are likely going to be forced to make a decision on.  It’s a litmus test of support for President Trump that many voters will factor into their decision.

Now, Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Lucien Smith is calling on Democratic Senate candidates, David Baria and Mike Espy, to confirm their position on President Donald Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court.

Chairman Smith issued the following statement:

“Judge Kavanaugh possesses strong judicial credentials and is immensely qualified to serve on the high court,” said Smith. “Democrats seek to achieve through the courts what they cannot at the ballot box, and rightfully fear that another conservative justice will stop their unpopular liberal agenda. Mississippians deserve to know whether the Democratic candidates for Senate would confirm good judges like Judge Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch, or plan to join Chuck Schumer’s army of obstructionists.”

In the special election, the Republican candidates seem resolute in their support, while Mike Espy is not quite as clear about his position.

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith:

Mike Espy:

At press time, Espy had not provided a statement.  However, he recently campaigned with and received the endorsement of Senator Cory Booker in Jackson.  Booker had stated that people who supported Kavanaugh were “complicit” in “evil”.  We will update his position as he makes one available.

Chris McDaniel: 

“I applaud President Trump’s decision to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Kavanaugh has a long record of conservative decisions ranging from the separation of powers and executive privilege to abortion, immigration and gun rights. He has all the makings of a true originalist in the mold of Scalia, Thomas, and Gorsuch. President Trump should be commended for another excellent nominee. Now we can expect the Democrats to fight Kavanaugh’s nomination with all their might. We should take this opportunity to show how extreme and out of touch they are.”


In the regularly scheduled US Senate election, again, the Republican, Roger Wicker, is all-in.  The Democrat candidate, David Baria does not give a clear indication of his position opting for a more “wait and see” approach.

Senator Roger Wicker:


“President Trump has once again kept his promise to nominate to the Supreme Court a well-qualified jurist with a record of upholding the integrity of the law and the Constitution. This appointment will help shape the nation’s highest court for a generation. I look forward to meeting with Judge Kavanaugh, and to the Senate giving full and timely consideration of this nominee.”


David Baria:


About the Author(s)
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Sarah Ulmer

Sarah is a Mississippi native, born and raised in Madison. She is a graduate of Mississippi State University, where she studied Communications, with an emphasis in Broadcasting and Journalism. Sarah’s experience spans multiple mediums, including extensive videography with both at home and overseas, broadcasting daily news, and hosting a live radio show. In 2017, Sarah became a member of the Capitol Press Corp in Mississippi and has faithfully covered the decisions being made by leaders on some of the most important issues facing our state. Email Sarah: