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@MSGOP chair @joenosef sees potential...

@MSGOP chair @joenosef sees potential MS House supermajority as symbolic

By: Magnolia Tribune - December 23, 2015

Republican party chairman discusses potential supermajority in the House

JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) – The Democrat drew the long straw in a Mississippi House tiebreaker last month. Five-term incumbent Bo Eaton is trying to hold onto his seat. But Republicans would be pushed over the edge to a supermajority if his challenger Mark Tullos gets a victory.

“Symbolically obviously it would be important,” explained Mississippi Republican Party Chairman Joe Nosef. “But I think the elections were symbolic enough, regardless quite frankly whether we get it or not.”

Nosef noted that Mississippi’s not always been a “red state” as some might think. He says it wasn’t all that long ago that most of the statewide elected officials were Democrats. That puts the idea of a GOP supermajority as a game change in a new light.


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This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.