Wicker promotes need for shipbuilding
This morning, I spoke at the @USNavy Amphibious Warship Congressional Forum about the importance of helping the @USMC reach its goal of 38 amphibious ships. New platforms need to pack a stronger offensive punch and offer more defensive protection. #355Ships pic.twitter.com/t0nMzGjzxc
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) July 24, 2018
Sen. Hyde-Smith cosponsors “Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities” Act
#SanctuaryCity policies disrespect the rule of law in this country. Proud to cosponsor @SenToomey Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act and @SenTedCruz Kate’s Law legislation. https://t.co/Mi5et5dYtc
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) July 24, 2018
#MSSen: McDaniel appears on Lars Larson show
ICYMI – Listen to my full interview on @LarsLarsonShow from last week:https://t.co/6RKlVcZrZc
— Sen. Chris McDaniel (@senatormcdaniel) July 24, 2018
WLOX – MS senator says state attorney general is ‘overstepping’ on road project decision
A letter from State Senator Brice Wiggins is the latest development in a controversial road project in Jackson, Mississippi.
Wiggins wrote to Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, stating his belief that Hood is “overstepping in an investigation into the project.”
Hood began looking into a road project in Flowood amid questions about whether Leiutenant Governor Tate Reeves used political influence in the project.
1,189 Bids Received So Far in Jackson County Property Auction
Those looking for a good deal on property on the Mississippi Gulf Coast still have about 36 hours to bid in an online auction offering parcels in Moss Point, Gautier, Ocean Springs, and Pascagoula.
The Secretary of State’s Office has already received 1,189 bids on 316 parcels in the Jackson County online tax-forfeited property auction. Fifty-three parcels have already sold to “Buy It Now” bidders for a total of $41,902, the majority of which will be returned to the county, and cities and schools in the county. The “Buy It Now” auction feature allows the bidder to match or exceed a set offer amount and purchase the property immediately before the close of the auction.
The auction began June 27, 2018, and ends at 11:59 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, July 25. In all, 376 tax-forfeited properties valued at an estimated $1.6 million are available in the auction.
“Buying tax-forfeited property gives you the opportunity to own land in Jackson County—at a very competitive price—while giving back to your community,” Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said.
In recent years, successful auctions in Bay St. Louis, Greenville, Greenwood, Hancock County, Hinds County, Jackson, McComb, Meridian, Pearl River County, Rankin County, Washington County, Waveland, Vicksburg, and Yazoo City have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Mississippi schools, municipalities, and counties.
Sen. Wicker announces third annual book donation program
I am excited to announce my third annual book donation program. We gathered over 1,000 books last year for Mississippi libraries from the @LibraryCongress surplus book program & my personal collection. Learn more: https://t.co/OI7PMprbNu
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) July 24, 2018
Petal Mayor Marx on path to run for Governor
As governor, I will push to implement policies that will move Mississippi from the bottom of economic rankings. We must wean ourselves from the addiction to government spending and allow free enterprise to fuel growth and prosperity. #msleg #mselex https://t.co/1pRz5LzWcE
— Hal Marx (@MayorHalMarx) July 23, 2018