Congressional candidate defends special forces claims
Ron Dickey, running as a Democrat against incumbent Republican 1st Congressional District Representative Alan Nunnellee, was attached as a food service specialist with the 3rd Special Forces Group during Desert Storm while he served in the Army from 1990-1993. During 1991-1993, attached support personnel assigned to a Special Forces unit were authorized to wear the Green Beret.
“This happened over 21 years ago. At that time the Army had different standards, the Department of the Army issued me a green beret. Not only did they issue the Green Berets to those who choose to go through the training course to become a green beret,” he said. “It’s like the difference between a certified teacher and an uncertified teacher.”
Dickey, of Horn Lake, said the campaign workers who wrote his biography information didn’t understand the difference, but owned up to being the last say on what’s published.
“The people that did my bio didn’t understand the connection and generalized, but here in the last week people have asked for details and specifics on my military service,” he said.
Clarion Ledger