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82 County BIgfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger...

82 County BIgfoot/Voter Fraud Scavenger Hunt and Jubilee rolls to Harrison County

By: Magnolia Tribune - July 13, 2014

McDaniel challenges Harrison County, others over poll books

One of McDaniel’s lawyers, state Sen. Michael Watson of Pascagoula, said close to 60 of the state’s 82 counties have granted them full access to the poll books.

“I think the law is pretty clear,” he said. “I think that a candidate has the right to an election challenge which is clearly set out in state law and statutory law and to do a proper challenge you’ve got to review the poll books to see if there are any illegal crossovers.”

The only personal information in Harrison County’s books are birth dates, and Watson said that information is sometimes needed.

“We’ve had instances where there’s people with the same name and the same address and the only way to tell them apart is their birthday because the Jr. and Sr. were left out,” he said.

Sun Herald

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.