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PAUL GALLO blog: Playing...

PAUL GALLO blog: Playing Politics…Badly

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 27, 2014

Playing Politics…Badly. Paul Gallo

So, Senator Brice Wiggins calls me towards the end of the Show. He’s very good on the air and wants to make the point that his problem with funding the trooper school is a budget decision only. Wiggins offers that it’s not personal with him in any manner and that he’s got a good relationship with both the Gov. and Lt. Governor. I haven’t check either to verify the truthfulness of that statement.

When I asked why he hasn’t joined the Conservative Coalition, Senator Wiggins let it be known that he has never been invited. That statement was quickly answered by several members of the Coalition as not completely honest. Apparently all Republican Senators were presented forms, should they wish to join.

When asked Senator Wiggins if invited would he accept. He replied that being a Republican “is” being Conservative-so he saw no reason to join the group. One thing Brice did say that was completely truthful was that the split in the Mississippi Republican Party is like a gift to the Democrats.

Word is that Jim Hood has been in Washington D.C. meeting with the DNC. Some think it’s a long shot, but Jim Hood entering the U.S. Senate race would mean the GOP in MS, better get its act together. It also means that people like Lt. Gov Tate Reeves should put their future political ambitions aside at least until the next election for the good of the Mississippi Republican Party.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.