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YP Daily Roundup 6/15/18

YP Daily Roundup 6/15/18

By: Magnolia Tribune - June 15, 2018

Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus endorses Baria; Baria calls Black Caucus “the conscience of the state”

Sherman offers 100 day plan heading into #MSSen Democrat runoff


VIDEO LINK – WAPT – Guest, Hughes stomping throughout Third Congressional District

WCBI – Whit Hughes holds town halls ahead of runoff election

Following the June 5th primaries, congressional candidate Whit Hughes is continuing his campaign efforts by holding town hall tours.

Hughes says he wants these meetings to open a conversation between him and the community on where he stands on major issues.

The goal is to get an idea on what the people of Mississippi want to see in Washington.

CLARION LEDGER – Gov. Phil Bryant: Media narrative on Jackson airport is wrong, unfair

On May 4, 2016, I signed into law Senate Bill 2162, which created the Jackson Metropolitan Area Airport Authority.

The new governing body would allow Rankin and Madison counties a seat at the table when it came to the operation of the Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport. Mississippi’s largest airport serves many critical purposes, not the least of which is a catalyst for economic growth in the Metro and beyond. Under the old governing structure, only the city of Jackson was represented. The new format allows each of the Metro’s three counties — including Rankin County, where the airport is located — to have a voice.

That did not stop most media from labeling SB 2162 a “takeover” of Evers International. That narrative, while convenient for journalists, simply isn’t true. No one is taking over anything. Five of the nine seats on the new Jackson Metropolitan Airport Authority will be occupied by representatives of the city of Jackson. One entity that holds majority representation on a governing body can theoretically control the actions of that body. That fact has either been misunderstood or intentionally overlooked to prop up the ridiculous and irresponsible “takeover” narrative.

Congressman Palazzo restores funding for Community Development Financial Institutions

Congressman Thompson cosponsors bill for Independent Puerto Rico Commission in wake of Hurricane Maria


WLBT – State education officials decide subject area tests won’t be tied to student’s final grades

The state board of education has been preparing to change the way your child’s GPA is calculated, but parents and schools spoke up and the plan is going to be scrapped.

Right now, the high school end-of-course exams don’t impact your child’s report card. The state board planned to make the tests carry more weight beginning next school year, but Thursday, it was recommended that the board repeal that policy…

As a reminder, these tests are still tied to graduation. If the student can’t pass them, there are alternative paths to graduation. That all stays the same.

MBJ – Former Legislative Director Upchurch is new Chief of Staff at Secretary of State’s Office

Nathan Upchurch, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s long-time Legislative Director, recently assumed the Agency’s Chief of Staff role.

A native of Kosciusko, Upchurch earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Mississippi State University. Since 2013, Upchurch has been the Secretary of State’s Legislative Director. Among other responsibilities, Upchurch developed the policy and legislative agenda for the Agency, assisted in drafting legislation, and served as the primary liaison between the Agency and the State Legislature.

WDAM – Governor cuts ribbon to celebrate new tech equipment at PRCC

WDAM-TV 7-News, Weather, Sports-Hattiesburg, MS

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.