Brian Perry – Will Cochran run again?
The Neshoba County Fair always generates political speculation on the ambitions, posturing and even policies of elected officials, candidates and would-be could-be candidates. For most of my professional career, pundits swap gossip on the future of U.S. Senator Thad Cochran. As Governor Kirk Fordice closed out his second term, folks speculated Cochran might run for Governor; he announced at the Fair he would not. Since then, it seems, every few months I would hear a new theory on whether he would run again, or retire and allow for an appointment. He never retires. He always runs again. So as his time to seek reelection or not approaches in the 2014 cycle, the speculation accelerates.
I believe Cochran will run again and win a sixth Senate term. His continued service benefits Mississippi. Currently he serves as Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Were Republicans to regain control of the Senate, he could become chairman of that committee or regain the helm of the Senate Appropriations Committee. As he closed out his sixth term, he would be the most senior Republican in the Senate placing him in a position, under Republican control, as president pro tempore.
Madison County Beach