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YP Daily Roundup 5/30/18

YP Daily Roundup 5/30/18

By: Editor - May 31, 2018

Governor Bryant considers adding state lottery to possible special session agenda

Bryant says he believe the majority of Mississippians are in favor of a lottery.

Advisors tell the governor a lottery might produce as much as $70 to $80 million which is now going to other states where a lottery is legal.

The governor says he anticipates a state Supreme Court decision on whether the state can collect as much as $100 million in internet sales tax.





Facebook changes fluster some less adept MS political candidates

Facebook in late April announced a new process for verifying the identities of people placing political ads on the social media site. Rose and Boyanton said they weren’t aware of the changes until ads were rejected last week, though Facebook said it followed up with emails to administrators of political pages. And since the verification process requires the use of a code sent to the candidates through the United States Postal Service, it’s not likely to arrive before the election.




Bryant and Hosemann visit Mississippi troops in TX


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