Establishment keeps edging toward Mitt Romney for 2012
Another day, another handful of establishment endorsements for Mitt Romney.
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This morning, Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran, Illinois Rep. Judy Biggert and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert jumped on the bandwagon of the former Massachusetts governor.
That follows yesterday’s endorsements from former Sens. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and Mel Martinez of Florida, New York Rep. Michael Grimm and, of course, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
As Maggie pointed out yesterday, the establishment hasn’t yet flocked to Romney, even as Rick Perry’s campaign has stumbled repeatedly. But it’s inching his way.
For many of these endorsers, the story is that Romney’s skittish 2008 supporters are coming back into his camp. Gregg, Cochran and Hastert all endorsed Romney last time around but hesitated to sign on with him again until now.