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Congressman Palazzo talks about job...

Congressman Palazzo talks about job creation, path to prosperity

By: Magnolia Tribune - August 22, 2011

Congressman Palazzo talks about job creation, path to prosperity

CAMP SHELBY, MS (WDAM) – Fourth District Congressional Representative Steven Palazzo is urging President Barrack Obama to get Senate Democrats to pass several bills introduced to the Senate from the House since January. One of which is the Path to Prosperity which repeals the Health Care Bill, simplifies the tax code, repeals job killing legislation, and addresses the drivers of the nations deficit and debt.

Palazzo says he would like also like to see the President do more to show he is serious about job creation by expanding the nations energy policies.

“If his is serious about job creation he would develop an American energy policy which is pretty simple,” said Palazzo. “Stop the government policies that are destroying jobs off shore, expand our American energy and domestic production onshore and offshore. It does three things. It reduces our dependence on foreign oil, creates American jobs, and drives down the cost of energy.”


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