Dombrowski still upset about Harbor issue
Ricky Dombrowski says he’s okay with the results of Tuesday’s election. What he’s not okay with is Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann’s claim that Gulfport’s harbors are state property, based on a 1989 tidelands law. And he’s vowing to continue that fight.
“Our point is, we’re trying to protect our harbors in the city of Gulfport and we’re going to continue to try to protect that harbor,” Dombrowski told WLOX News.
“We’re going to go before the legislature down the road, talk to them about clarifying their law and saying that the tidelands law is not overriding the 1935 law. And we do have a lawsuit filed and we’re going to continue to pursue that and keep what’s rightly the coast’s and that’s our harbor.”
Hosemann said he believes Gulfport should run the harbor, and wants to work with city council to do what’s best for tax payers in Gulfport and throughout the state.