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RCP – Gov. candidate Dennis touts...

RCP – Gov. candidate Dennis touts business experience

By: Magnolia Tribune - February 15, 2011

Gov. candidate Dennis touts business experience

Republican gubernatorial candidate Dave Dennis said Monday that his private sector experience prepares him to become Mississippi’s CEO.

The Pass Christian businessman has been campaigning for governor for more than a year and is traveling the state this week to discuss his candidacy.

Dennis, 58, has been a construction executive since 1976. He and his wife, Jane, own a commercial construction company based on the Gulf Coast. He has served three times as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in New Orleans and has chaired several state organizations, including Leadership Mississippi and Jackson-based Business and Industry Political Education Committee.

“The job of the governor is to go out and sell the state and to get people to come in here and create jobs,” Dennis told The Associated Press in a telephone interview between campaign appearances Monday.


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February 15, 2011

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