Atchinson-Eure runoff set for Tuesday
At the time, Harrison County Circuit Clerk Gayle Parker said the turnout was among the lowest she had ever seen, and that was likely attributable in part to the frigid weather. The two competitors are hoping for better weather this time. Early forecasts call for highs in the mid-60s and chance of rain.
Atchison, 41, owner of a Biloxi real estate company, is a former Harrison County sheriff’s deputy and former Keesler Medical Center intensive-care unit medic. Atchison had the second-most votes in the Jan. 11 vote, getting 21 percent, or 461 votes. He said the last few days have been hectic, but he feels good about the election.
“I feel like our message has been consistent, it has been good and it has been right,” he said. “Regardless of the outcome, I can say we ran a good campaign.”
Eure, 32, is a Biloxi business owner, former district director for the state Public Service Commission and a former investigator with the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department. Eure was the top vote-getter in the Jan. 11 vote, with about 34 percent, or 744 votes.
Sun Herald