Obama moratorium fatal to gulf coast
BILOXI, MS – Congressional candidate Steven Palazzo is voicing concerns regarding
President Obama’s moratorium banning all offshore drilling in water 500 feet or deeper.
“The moratorium is costing Coast residents their jobs. If the moratorium is not lifted or
revised these jobs may be lost permanently.” said Palazzo. “I have not seen the President’s
revised plan but it better be rational enough for these companies to go back to work.”
Fortunately for the Gulf Coast, Judge Feldman overturned the moratorium, but as long as
the threat of a government appeal exists, companies will continue to weigh other options.
“It’s sad that the Obama administration would use this disaster to impose job killing
restrictions and to also push his job killing agenda (Cap and Trade) on the American people,”
said Palazzo. “We need to put this industry back to work today for the job security of our Coast
Palazzo campaign