LG Tate Reeves responds to comments from AG Jim Hood on #msleg
“In three short paragraphs, Jim Hood managed to offer his support for raising gas taxes, raising Internet taxes, raising sales taxes, and raising income taxes for every Mississippian,” said Laura Hipp, spokeswoman for Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. “Hood also evidently supports sole-source no-bid contracts. That’s just not right, even for Jim Hood’s ‘friends.’
“Hood’s support of Obamacare expansion is the one policy that could hamper Republicans successful fiscal policy of balanced budgets, larger rainy day fund, and less debt for our taxpayers.
“While the Attorney General continues to take millions from his trial lawyer friends and then spends it for personal expenses, the Lieutenant Governor has been universally praised for leading the charge for transparency and passing comprehensive campaign finance reform.
“Maybe the Attorney General should spend less time in Houston criticizing our conservative policies and more time focused on defending Mississippi’s recently passed law making us the safest place in America for an unborn child.”
LG Tate Reeves Release