Dana Edelstein, a spokesperson for Childers, who voted for the stimulus package when it first passed the house and again on final passage, told SPR the ad “is misleading.” Noting that the bottom line is about jobs, she added, “The country would probably be better off if those who ran this ad spent time working on an alternative plan rather than a radio ad. We need to do what’s necessary to protect our country right now.”
While President Obama’s approval rating remains high — more than 60% in a recent Gallup Poll — an analysis of the Gallup survey prepared for the NRCC by Public Opinion Strategies (R) noted that “just 52% of Americans” favored the stimulus plan. That number is lower in some districts, presumably including a number in the South where McCain out-polled Obama last fall.
In addition to the radio spot focused on the Democrats’ vote for the Obama stimulus package, the GOP committee also sent out press releases on the stimulus package as well as on other issues. The GOP releases are worded differently for each congressman targeted, often quoting from the lawmaker’s 2008 campaign material. A release for freshman Larry Kissell’s (D-NC), for example, contrasts his campaign website promise to reduce “congressional pork spending” with his pro-stimulus vote. Another NRCC release blasted Childers for his vote against an investigation into the role of government mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Southern Political Report