Gallo Notes-Feb. 5, 2009
If you’re still transfixed in a messianic manner over the young Illinois State Senator who charmed enough people to become President of the United States, you’re in a waning group of people. His star is fading according to the latest favorability poll. Not only is he mortal; he is an inexperienced mortal who is facing the reality that his star popularity could be sucked into a dark hole of reality.
When the Mystic One issues a Proclamation that’s mighty enough to be proclaimed in tablet font chiseled on the very top of the Drudge Report, do you ever ask yourself WHERE he is getting his heavenly information?
Is he getting these dire messages that are to be received as gospel from so-called experts who are one indictment away from a final resting place in jail? Is he consulting Wall Street gurus who are being investigated for fiscal mismanagement and tax evasion? He can’t be relying on his own vast business experience at the top level of business management because he has zilch.
The truth is these words of doom are coming from earthly democrats who want fear to override reason. As Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran stated on the Program this week, the Democrats in the U.S. Senate have enough votes to pass this boondoggle if that want to without any help from Republicans.
So, if for one minute you catch yourself placing some credibility in Obama’s statement of doom and gloom, remember this- if we just rely on capitalism in these 57 states called the USA, it will produce the three letter word we’re all looking for (J O B S). And we have to act now. If we don’t, each month over 500 million Americans will lose their jobs!
Paul Gallo