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From the YP Memory Division – HoodRoast 2005

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 16, 2008

Hood praised for hard work, hairstyle at ‘roast’

A great deal of the ribbing dealt with the political climate in Jackson. Langston presented a series of political cartoons depicting Hood at odds with Gov. Haley Barbour.

Then, he showed the same cartoons with mullets and horns drawn on Hood’s head.

He said he had heard much discussion on talk radio about the state’s $100 million settlement with MCI, formerly known as WorldCom. Langston said he could take criticism about the settlement, and about his wife and even about his dog.

“But when they started comparing my friend’s hair to Conway Twitty’s, I got really angry,” Langston said. “I was mad and embarassed for you.”

Langston presented side-by-side photos of Twitty and Hood, showing striking resemblances in their coifs.

“I took a long, hard look at that, and I’m not mad anymore,” he joked.

NE MS Daily Journal

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.