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Pretrial conference set in Scruggs case

Pretrial conference set in Scruggs case

By: Magnolia Tribune - March 6, 2008

The Sun Herald, 3/5/8

U.S. District Court Judge Neal B. Biggers Jr. has set a pretrial conference for March 14 in the judicial bribery case against prominent attorney Dickie Scruggs and two other members of the Scruggs Law Firm in Oxford.

Scruggs, his son, Zach Scruggs, and Sidney Backstrom are scheduled to be tried beginning March 31 on six charges each of conspiracy and fraud. They are accused of attempting to bribe a state court judge with $40,000 so that he would issue an order they crafted in a legal-fee dispute with a Jackson law firm.

Motions to be heard include one from Zach Scruggs asking that charges against him be dismissed because, he argues, the grand jury that issued indictments in the case heard false testimony from two government witnesses.

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