A Conversation With David Boies and His Newest Weapon
David, you defended Georgia-Pacific in the Dioxin cases in Mississippi. There’s been a lot of news of alleged corruption down there recently. What’s going on?
Boies: I’ve tried some cases before Mississippi state court judges who were just great, and I’ve also tried cases in front of Mississippi judges who were just terrible. There is undoubtedly some real corruption – where a judge does something for money or favors. But I think that is a very small problem in Mississippi, and a tiny problem in most places. The bigger problem is where judges do things because they know the people, because they like the people, because they’re comfortable with the people. That’s a much more difficult thing to get your arms around, partly because its human nature. And the problem’s not unique to Mississippi.
How is all of this going to impact Dickie Scruggs?
Boies: I don’t know enough about it. But the one thing you can say is that whenever you get that many people involved in making accusations there’s going to be serious problems. That’s not a good place to be.
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