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FOLO – From the courtroom in...

FOLO – From the courtroom in Jones, Funderburg v. Scruggs

By: Magnolia Tribune - January 14, 2008

From the courtroom in Jones, Funderburg v. Scruggs

From a first-hand source in the courtroom. The judge did not allow testimony and suppressed the subpoenas of everyone (including Judge Lackey) and Grady Tollison responded with a proffer (statement of what he would prove if the judge allowed him to go forward) that included the two orders Balducci wanted signed and an explosive statement of what Judge Lackey would say if called to the stand. The motion to arbitrate is the only matter the judge will hear today, and it will be heard after lunch. That is obviously not all; more when I get it.


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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.