It’s about funding our priorities . . .
As a fiscal conservative, Cory Wilson believes that government spending should get results for every taxpayer dollar spent. Government cannot spend enough to solve every problem, nor should it. We have to fund our priorities first. One of those priorities is public safety.
. . . and Cory Wilson’s priority is fighting crime in Jackson.
Recent news has highlighted budget woes of both Jackson and Hinds County. In fact, Hinds County Supervisors will meet next Tuesday, September 4, to discuss next year’s budget—including funding to complete expansion of the County Detention Center. The Supervisors should make public safety and expansion of jail space top funding priorities. We’re moving in the right direction when we can get 132 more criminals—the number of new beds being considered—off our streets.
The State Legislature can also do more to help our capital city fight crime. Cory Wilson will work for additional resources for infrastructure and law enforcement to make up for the 40% of properties in Jackson that are exempt from taxes because they are state or nonprofit properties. His Capital Security and Economic Development District proposal would provide Jackson—and Hinds County—with additional resources to fight crime and strengthen our community. If we do not feel safe in our homes, businesses, and schools, nothing else matters much. Cory Wilson offers proactive, new leadership to make sure we fulfill the priority of public safety.
For more information, go to
Join the Wilson Wagon on September 13!
Friends For Cory Wilson will hold a fall kickoff party at Chimneyville Smokehouse. Come join us for BBQ as we prepare to bring new leadership to the House of Representatives! This is not a fundraiser, but is a way to say “thanks” for the great support so far and to meet new supporters! Please plan to come, and bring other Friends For Cory Wilson!
When: Thursday, September 13, 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Where: Chimneyville Smokehouse, 970 High Street
Who: Supporters and friends—bring the family!
For more, go to or call (601) 421-0993.
A Word From Cory:
Thank you so much for your support and interest! As we meet more and more voters, I am convinced that we can bring new leadership to the Legislature for Jackson, and for Mississippi’s future. Stephanie, Webb and I appreciate your support very much. This election, we can turn the page on “politics as usual” in the House of Representatives for good. This seat is pivotal because our next Representative may determine our next Speaker of the House. We have the right ideas, energy, and enthusiasm, and we will keep spreading our message of pro-growth, pro-neighborhood leadership. Happy Labor Day, and see you soon!
Cory Wilson Campaign Release