Officers Net Nearly 150 Arrests During “Operation Falcon”
Not too many felons escaped the talons of Operation Falcon. Falcon stands for Federal And Local cops organized nationally.
The operation took place April 4th through the 10th. U.S. Marshals teamed with local law enforcement partners for seven days to round up and arrest thousands of fugitives on a list of felons across the nation and here in Mississippi.
U.S.Marshal Nehemiah Flowers said,”This is the largest operation of this caliber that comes under the umbrella of the Marshal’s service; nationally. This is historical for the Marshal’s service. And again, it’s our willingness to put our hand out there to help local law enforcement entities.”
Operation Falcon focused on gang-related crimes, homicides, sexual assaults, kidnappings, unregistered sex offenders, and crimes against children and the elderly. Operation Falcon coincided with the begining of the U.S. Department of Justice’s “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.”