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YP – Commissioner Gipson signs order to prevent vaccine mandates throughout MDAC
On Monday, Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson announced that he signed a new policy called the Commissioner’s Order Securing the Personal Healthcare Freedom of All MDAC Employees, Contractors, Promoters, Guests and Visitors.
This policy would prevent any type of COVID-19 vaccine mandate, or proof of vaccination to work or participate in MDAC activities or work…
…The order outlines that health and vaccine decisions should remain a personal choice by each Mississippian, including those within the employment of the MDAC.
MSDH COVID-19 Reporting – For 3 Days
Today MSDH is reporting 770 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 22 deaths, and 42 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. State #covid19 totals: 498,560 cases, 9,939 deaths, and 1,354,644 persons fully vaccinated. Full information: https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/QgvehPlsDI
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) October 18, 2021
YP – Wallets emptying into Mississippi’s 4th Congressional District as midterms approach
To date, five Republicans have submitted their paperwork to run for the South Mississippi Congressional seat to challenge Palazzo. At least one or two more Republicans are likely to announce in the coming weeks. One Democrat, one Libertarian and one Independent have also announced their runs, and there are rumors of others who could jump in before qualifying ends in early 2022.
Of the five Republicans currently in the race versus Palazzo, one has loaned himself a half a million dollars, another has put in $150,000, and another has raised $173,000 since signing up. Palazzo himself is sitting on over $300,000 in his campaign war chest.
YP – Campaign Finance reports for Mississippi’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congressional Districts
The Federal Election Commission posted the Quarterly Campaign Finance Reports over the weekend. Below is a rundown of those Congressional candidates who have filed to run and raise funds in the 2022 midterm election cycle for Mississippi’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congressional Districts…
…Each of the incumbents listed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congressional Districts in Mississippi remain the odds on favorites to win re-election. There is very little chatter on potential credible candidates joining these races in hopes of unseating Kelly, Thompson or Guest.
YP – Mississippi lawmakers remember Colin Powell
On Monday, Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary of State and National Security Adviser, passed away. Powell served as the United States’ first Black Secretary of State and played a key policy role in the Bush Administration after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Many Mississippi elected officials have released statements in remembrance of Powell.
YP – Auditor’s Office Arrests Former Bookkeeper, College Dean in Multimillion-Dollar Workforce Development Fraud Case
State Auditor Shad White announced Eureda “Edie” Washington and Joe Lowder have been indicted for defrauding the state’s Workforce Enhancement Training (WET) program. Special Agents separately delivered demand letters to Washington, Lowder, and two other individuals – Jennifer and David Schock – who do not face criminal charges. The Auditor’s office also issued demand letters to Itawamba Community College (ICC) for improperly approving WET program expenditures.
“I’m thankful for investigators’ work which put a stop to this improper workforce training spending,” said White. “Now is the time for policymakers to acknowledge there are not enough fraud-prevention safeguards in place in our workforce training program. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on this every year. We need to be sure the money is being used appropriately.”
YP – Palazzo joins HEAT in opposition of energy policy
Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4) joined the House Energy Action Team (HEAT) to send a letter to the Biden Administration encouraging the reversal of energy policies that endanger America’s energy security.
This letter follows the decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and affiliates to disregard President Biden’s request for increased oil production. Despite the lack of cooperation, the Biden Administration continues to encourage production within such nations as Russia, Iran, and Venezuela while eliminating American means of production.
“To those of us who remember when the United States was energy independent, when our gas prices were affordable, and when we did not rely on foreign threats to fuel our economy, the energy decisions made by the Biden Administration are dumbfounding,” said Palazzo.