DOJ Office of Violence Against Women Funding Supports Statewide, Community Anti-Violence, Intervention & Assistance Programs
Through the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) the Department of Justice office of Violence Against women approved the FY2021 request of $3.96 million. The funds will be divided between eight awards and will support statewide, community, and campus programs in Mississippi.
“Violence against women is a sad fact of life, and Mississippi is not immune to this problem. These Justice Department grants will allow programs in our state to continue to help victims and the officials to strive to hold the abusers accountable,” said Hyde-Smith, who serves on the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Hyde-Smith this week testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee to advocate for greater attention within VAWA to the needs of victims in rural areas.
FY2021 VAWA grants awarded to Mississippi include:
- Mississippi State Department of Health – $1,661,954 through the STOP (Services*Training*Officers*Prosecutors) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program to support community efforts to develop and strengthen effective responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
- Mississippi State Department of Health – $457,293 through the Sexual Assault Services Formula Program to support rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations, or tribal programs that provide services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault and their families.
- Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Inc., Jackson – $172,076 through the State and Territory Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program to coordinate victim services activities, including training and technical assistance, with state and local entities engaged in addressing violence against women.
- Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc., Jackson – $98,706 through the State and Territory Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program to coordinate victim services activities, including training and technical assistance, with state and local entities engaged in addressing violence against women.
- Hancock Resource Center, Waveland – $675,000 through the Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Program to support transitional housing with support services for victims who are homeless or in need of transitional housing as a result of a situation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
- Mississippi State University – $300,000 though the Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program to support victim services and strategies to prevent, investigate, and respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
- Tougaloo College – $300,000 though the Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program to support victim services and strategies to prevent, investigate, and respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
- Coahoma Community College – $300,000 though the Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking on Campus Program to support victim services and strategies to prevent, investigate, and respond to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.