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YP – Mississippi Early Voting initiative up in the air after state Supreme Court decision
MEVi78, the group pushing to get the Early Voting initiative on the ballot in Mississippi, has urged Governor Tate Reeves to call a special session and allow lawmakers to rectify the initiative process.
Issues with Mississippi’s initiative process arose after the Mississippi Supreme Court ruled against the validation of Initiative 65, the medical marijuana initiative. The challenge had been made that it was not properly certified based on the state’s Constitution.
State Representative Hester McCray (D) has been a supporter and proponent for early voting. She said that the initiative, Initiative 78, was in the final stage of the process and advertisements were already being run across the state.
MSDH COVID-19 Reporting – For 3 Days
Today MSDH is reporting 482 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 6 deaths, and 24 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The state's #covid19 totals are now 316,754 cases, 7,285 deaths, and 878,279 persons fully vaccinated. Full information: https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/ia9Ve3UclX
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) May 24, 2021
YP – Commissioner Gipson highlights Ag & Outdoor Expo, getting Mississippians back to work in Y’all Politics interview
Mississippi’s Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson joined Y’all Politics on Monday to promote the upcoming Ag & Outdoor Expo happening later this summer. He highlighted the agriculture industry’s emerging technologies along with his recent roundtable in partnership with Mississippi State and Alcorn Universities. Gipson also spoke on the need for Mississippians to get back to work as additional pandemic unemployment ends on June 12th in the Magnolia State.
YP – MCMAHAN: AMERICAN Rescue Act – A Blueprint for Mississippi
The Federal “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021″ will soon be sending the Mississippi Legislature $1.8 billion dollars and it is important we appropriate this money in a smart, fiscally responsible manner. This is an opportunity to not only meet our immediate needs but to also invest in the future of our state. If the federal regulations concerning these funds will allow, I propose the following blueprint to address our immediate needs and to lay out an investment strategy that will yield a return and create a brighter future for all Mississippians.
To address our most pressing needs, I believe setting aside $984 million dollars to divide equally among our 82 counties will greatly benefit our citizens and our state’s marketability. This would send $12 million dollars to each county in Mississippi to resurface existing roads and to repair or replace existing bridges. These funds would be restricted to current roads and bridges and none of the the money could be used to secure right-a-ways or create any new roads or bridges. Imagine a Mississippi where the vast majority of the roads have been resurfaced and are open for tourism and ready for business.
YP – ABBEY EDMONSON – Trojan Donkey
YP – Kelly Presents Military Medals to Family of Late World War II Soldier
On Friday, U.S. Representative Trent Kelly (R-Miss.) presented military medals to the family of World War II Veteran Walter Gann.
In 1941, the 18-year-old Calhoun City resident, was inducted into the U.S. Army Air Forces. Five months later, Mr. Gann and his comrades, charged with protecting the Bataan Peninsula, were fiercely attacked by the Imperial Japanese Army. After months of battle, with rapidly dwindling supplies, they were forced to surrender. On March 8, 1942, Mr. Gann was among approximately 76,000 American and Filipino troops forced to walk some 65 miles without adequate food, water, or shelter from the heat. The soldiers who survived the experience endured torture and starvation in Prisoner of War (POW) camps. Mr. Gann was a POW for 3.5 years, where he was forced to work in coal mines. He managed to survive the experience and eventually settled in Booneville, marrying Juanita Goddard in 1949.
Governor Reeves speaks to MHP class
I encouraged the cadets of the 65th class of the Mississippi Highway Patrol to keep working hard, stick with the plan, & FINISH their goal!
Just a few more weeks and over 40 new State Troopers on the road! BIG thanks to our current MHP officers for laying the foundation… pic.twitter.com/j2AGsblNuO
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) May 24, 2021