U.S. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Ranking Member of the Commerce, Science, & Transportation Committee, Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), Ranking Member of the Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs Committee, Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ranking Member of the Finance Committee, and John Barrasso, Ranking Member of the Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Committee, today unveiled a framework to improve the nation’s infrastructure. The Republican infrastructure framework, which includes $568 billion in infrastructure investments over a five-year period, will serve as a guide as the Senate continues to develop bipartisan bills that will go through regular order. This is the largest infrastructure investment that Republicans have ever put forth.
“Republicans and Democrats agree that our infrastructure is in need of repair and expansion. We have an opportunity to develop bipartisan legislation that makes these long-term investments, while at the same time driving job creation and economic growth. But, it’s important that any infrastructure legislation have adequate funding levels and not be so large as to fail to launch, which means sticking to actual infrastructure. That’s why our framework works. It serves as a realistic, thoughtful approach that addresses the core areas of infrastructure that we all agree upon. Infrastructure is the perfect opportunity to show the American people we can work together. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again. As we continue to move forward with this process, my colleagues and I look forward to further conversations with the White House and our Democratic colleagues in hopes of reaching a bipartisan agreement that will improve the nation’s infrastructure in all states and communities,” Senator Capito said.
“There is a long and proven track record of Congress working on infrastructure in a bipartisan way,” Senator Wicker said. “We are putting a good faith infrastructure plan on the table and are prepared to begin negotiations with President Biden and Congressional Democrats immediately. Congress has worked together in the past to rebuild America’s infrastructure and can do so again.”
“When Americans think of rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, they think of fixing roads, bridges, airports, ports, and waterways—not expanding the welfare state as the Democrats have proposed. This Republican proposal sensibly rebuilds the nation’s real infrastructure without raising taxes or increasing the debt,” Senator Toomey said.
“Traditional infrastructure spending has always been bipartisan, and a targeted approach that goes through regular order could enjoy broad bipartisan support. In order to help modernize America’s infrastructure to meet our future needs, I am willing to work on constructive proposals that address the long-term solvency of transportation funding. We have an opportunity to create American jobs and return our economy to the strength and broad-based growth enjoyed prior to the pandemic. But to do this, we must focus on ideas that can garner true bipartisan support, and remove partisan wish list items and proposals to increase taxes on American workers and businesses,” Senator Crapo said.
“Republicans are serious about fixing America’s infrastructure,” Senator Barrasso said. “Our framework is focused and fiscally responsible. President Biden’s plan is a slush fund for liberal spending. The American people want to see their roads, bridges, waterways, airports, water storage, and broadband upgraded. Our plan will remove regulatory barriers that stand in the way of these projects and important energy infrastructure. Democrats should work with us to find a bipartisan solution.”
Senate Republicans believe that our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt, expanded, and brought into the 21st century with a forward-leaning vision. Congress and the Biden administration should reach a bipartisan agreement that will improve the infrastructure in all states and communities, while achieving important national goals. Those goals must be to:
- Boost economic growth and global competitiveness and create jobs.
- Improve the quality of life for all Americans.
- Strengthen our national security and continue to improve safety.
- Bolster our ability to respond to and withstand extreme weather events and natural disasters and protect the environment.
The framework unveiled today is meant to serve as a guide as Congress continues to develop bipartisan bills that move by regular order. The framework defines infrastructure as: roads and bridges; public transit systems; rail; safety; drinking water and wastewater infrastructure; inland waterways and ports; airports; broadband infrastructure; and water storage.
The framework includes $568 billion in infrastructure investments over a five-year period through renewed federal policies and programs. Funding levels include: · Roads and Bridges – $299 billion · Public Transit Systems – $61 billion · Rail – $20 billion · Safety – $13 billion · Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure – $35 billion · Inland Waterways and Ports – $17 billion · Airports – $44 billion · Broadband Infrastructure (additional funding) – $65 billion · Water Storage – $14 billion Click here for more details on the Republican infrastructure framework.
Press Release