MSNBC – Rep. Thompson on 150-year-old Ku Klux Klan Act used in new Trump lawsuit
The lawsuit linking Donald Trump and others to the Capitol insurrection filed by the NAACP and Rep. Bennie Thompson uses the 150-year-old Ku Klux Klan Act as its basis. Rep. Thompson joins Jonathan Capehart to explain why he believes this legal action is critical to preserving our democracy.
Rep. @BennieGThompson on the possible risks involved in the law suit he filed with the NAACP naming Trump and others regarding the Capitol insurrection, and why he thinks this legal action is critical to defending our American system of democracy. #SundayShow pic.twitter.com/LbkVDy0VQe
— The Saturday/Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@weekendcapehart) February 21, 2021
YP – Mississippi Senate Sends ‘MFLEX’ Transparent Tax Incentive to House for Consideration
In an effort to make the state more competitive and increase transparency, the Mississippi Senate unanimously passed legislation creating the Mississippi Flexible Tax Incentive (MFLEX) program.
Senate Bill 2822, authored by Economic & Workforce Development Committee Chairman David Parker, consolidates several current incentives aimed at spurring economic development into one simplified option. MFLEX allows a credit against any state tax liability. The amount of the credit is calculated by considering the business’s investment in equipment and infrastructure, the number of full-time jobs created, and wages and benefits paid out to employees.
To participate in MFLEX, a business must create at least 10 full-time jobs and make a capital investment of $2.5 million.
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 390 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, no deaths, and 93 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 290,632, with 6,553 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/cVYGC1fhxd
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) February 21, 2021
YP – Wicker Urges Immigration Enforcement, Border Security
In recent days, President Biden put forward a sweeping and misguided plan to overhaul our nation’s immigration system. Most notably, the proposal fails to address the long-term security challenges that have plagued our southern border. This legislation comes as a new migrant caravan is now making its way through Mexico, threatening another surge on our border. Without a serious commitment to border security, President Biden’s proposal will likely encourage more waves of illegal immigration by rewarding those who violate U.S. law…
…Earlier this month, the Senate held a series of important immigration votes. I voted in favor of protecting contracts with companies that are building fences on our southern border. I also voted for the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, which would withhold critical funding from sanctuary cities that disregard our immigration laws. In addition, I voted for a measure that would prioritize the arrest of criminal aliens who have committed violent crimes. Regrettably, Democrats rejected these measures, resulting in a failure to pass what should be mainstream priorities.
It appears unlikely that President Biden will come to recognize the pressing need for these reforms, but Republicans will continue to make the case for border walls, surveillance, and more agents as essential to any realistic immigration package.
YP – Congressional Republican leader whip votes against “Payoff Progressives Act”
The U.S. @HouseGOP are whipping votes against the @HouseDemocrats' #COVIDRelief package they call a "Payoff Progressives Act." Democrats plan to push this through by way of reconciliation over the next week or so. pic.twitter.com/WTxxgLwkZC
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) February 19, 2021
Guest: There’s still $1 trillion in COVID relief unspent
There is still $1 trillion in COVID relief funding that has yet to be spent. We need to be good stewards of the American people’s money instead of pushing through legislation that overshoots the gap of what’s needed to respond to the pandemic. pic.twitter.com/sr9G0MVPaI
— Congressman Michael Guest (@RepMichaelGuest) February 19, 2021
WLOX – Moss Point Board of Aldermen asks for Mayor King’s resignation
City leaders in Moss Point are asking that mayor Mario King resign. This comes as King is set to enter a guilty plea on Wednesday. The board of alderman gathered Friday afternoon to take action.
”Our request, or Mr. Morris’ request, was for an immediate resignation,” said Alderman at Large David Chapman.
While the board cannot force Mayor King to step down, the aldermen believe Friday’s actions to be significant.
”It is real important that we get this done. We need stability back here in the city,” said Alderman Ennit Morris.
DAILY JOURNAL – Marijuana advocates raise concerns about Legislature’s replacement program
Marijuana experts and industry players told the Daily Journal they have several technical concerns about the legislative proposal, Senate Bill 2765, from excessive licensing fees for growers and dispensaries to limited patient access.
But their central frustration is that the legislation simply does not mirror what was on the ballot, which they argue is the only fair resolution for Mississippians if the initiative is killed in court.
“If the point of the bill is to create something that’s going to be in place of Initiative 65 if it fails, why are we changing so many things up?” asked Jessica Rice, executive director of the Mississippi Cannabis Trade Association, which formed in mid-November.