Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS-4), member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science, has joined several of his colleagues urging the Biden administration to prioritize American leadership, exploration, and commerce in the space domain.
Palazzo joined U.S. Representatives James R. Baird, R-Ind., Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Jerry L. Carl, R-Ala., and Ronny L. Jackson, R-Texas, in sending the letter which seeks the administration’s support for the United States Space Force and the National Space Council and User’s Advisory Group, and the Artemis program.
A signed copy of the letter can be found here.
In part, the group writes: “As your administration gets up to speed addressing the myriad challenges that face our nation, we strongly urge you to consider enhanced American space superiority among the priorities. If we stand idly by and allow our space strength to diminish, our allies and our enemies will not wait for our political division to subside. Space is an ever-growing area of commerce and policy, and American ambition must grow along with it as goal for our nation. If the Biden administration truly seeks unity among Americans and prioritizes restoring America’s global standing, then a strong commitment to space exploration, commerce, and research should be considered a major step in achieving those goals.”
Press Release