YP – DeLano says safety measures and COVID-19 concerns will encourage a focused 2021 session
State Senator Scott Delano (R) says lawmakers are working hard to ensure COVID-19 safety protocols moving into the 2021 Legislative Session.
“That’s going to take a little bit of time to get use to,” said DeLano. “I expect that there will be guidance from leadership that will want us to get busy and working as quickly as we can on our general bills and making sure they get filed but they’re probably going to want us to do that from our offices.”
YP – MS Senate Democrats talk priorities
Lawmakers are moments away from gaveling in for the 2021 Legislative Session.
One of the first orders of business is expected to be the ratification of the new "In God We Trust" state flag. @SenDTSimmons comments on this historical change for the state. #msleg #msstateflag pic.twitter.com/VW4LF4Lusl
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) January 5, 2021
YP – As municipal qualifying begins, Democrats in Mississippi struggling to remain competitive even at the local level
Qualifying for Municipal Elections in Mississippi opened Monday and runs through February 5th.
The Mississippi Republican Party expanded its reach into cities and towns during the 2017 cycle, seating more Republicans in City Halls across the state than ever before. This was largely due to targeted outreach in communities where voters routinely supported Republicans in state and national elections by a greater margin, making voting for Republicans on the local level a natural fit.
Mississippi Democrats are against the wall in many areas, having lost even more local officials through party switching since the 2017 cycle at the municipal, county and state levels. Democrats have lost once firmly held seats at the local level, even in locales where the demographics would indicate a different outcome on the surface.
MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting
Today MSDH is reporting 1,767 more cases of COVID-19 in Mississippi, 91 deaths, and 227 ongoing outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The total of #covid19 cases for the year is now 225,444, with 4,975 deaths. Case details and prevention guidance at https://t.co/YCv9xPyJDk pic.twitter.com/QzwFbTbQLX
— Mississippi State Department of Health (@msdh) January 5, 2021
YP – MS House passes new flag bill
The House Rules committee had passed HB 1, it now heads to the floor. Here is what Speaker @PhilipGunnMS had to say about today’s legislation #msleg pic.twitter.com/YDid34bek9
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) January 5, 2021
State Rep. Anderson says new flag no cure-all solution for racial tension
First floor vote of the session, voted in favor of codifying the 2020 referendum results to remove the confederate themed Mississippi State flag and replace it with a new design. See my full statement following the vote on House Bill 1 to approve the results below. #msleg pic.twitter.com/x4rEiIK6Q8
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) January 5, 2021
YP – Chief Justice Randolph, Presiding Justice King and Justice Coleman sworn in to new terms
Chief Justice Mike Randolph, Presiding Justice Leslie D. King and Justice Josiah Dennis Coleman took the oath of office on Monday, Jan. 4, to begin their new terms.
Chief Justice Randolph, the leader of the Mississippi judicial branch of government, has almost 17 years of service on the Supreme Court. He became Chief Justice on February 1, 2019. He has homes in Hattiesburg and Ocean Springs.
Presiding Justice King, of Greenville, has served on the Supreme Court for 10 years, and has 26 years of appellate experience. He previously served for16 years on the Mississippi Court of Appeals, including almost seven years as Chief Judge.
Justice Coleman, of Fentress in Choctaw County, has served on the Supreme Court for eight years.
YP – Former British Parliament member named MCPP CEO
Brexit Leader, former British Parliament @DouglasCarswell appointed @mspolicy President & CEOhttps://t.co/XAf9kDrm3A
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) January 5, 2021
YP – AFP, Physicians among filers supporting Secretary Watson’s position in Madison Mayor’s challenge of Medical Marijuana Initiative 65
After a slew of amicus briefs were filed with the Mississippi Supreme Court in support of Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler’s challenge of the medical marijuana Initiative 65 back in December, defenders of the referendum filed their own friend of the court briefs ahead of the court ordered deadline…
…The latest amicus briefs filed in support of the referendum’s validity and backing Watson’s position come from the following:
- Americans for Prosperity (AFP)
- Ashley Ann Durval, the sponsor of Initiative 65
- Angie Calhoun
- Physicians Zachary K. Baldwin, Justin Daniels, Timothy D. Estes, Claude Harbarger, Richard Scott Johnson, Fred Earl Kency Jr., Sharon T. LaRose, Michael Manning, Nathan McIntosh, Jule P. Miller, III, Michael L. Sanders, and Matthew B. Wesson
- Medical Advocates Jessica Boykin, Christy Dunaway, and Mississippi Sickle Cell Foundation
YP – Auditor arrests former Jackson County Deputy Tax Collector
Auditor @shadwhite Arrests Former Deputy Tax Collector in Jackson County for Embezzlementhttps://t.co/B8ddrBhDky
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) January 5, 2021
YP – Second Amendment Push from Bipartisan Group in Congress Promotes Concealed Carry Across State Lines
Congressman Michael Guest (MS-03) joined as an original cosponsor of H.R. 38 – The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. This legislation would validate concealed carry permits across state lines by enabling gun owners with a concealed carry permit to legally carry a firearm in other states, in accordance with those states’ laws. H.R. 38 is led by Congressman Richard Hudson (R-NC).
“This is a common-sense bill that simplifies American citizens’ Second Amendment right to bear arms,” Guest said. “If two states offer conceal carry permits, citizens of each of those states should be able to freely travel back and forth while exercising their Second Amendment right without restraint. With this legislation, we are untangling the confusing hoops that gun advocates have to jump through to feel safe as they travel.”
YP – Brashier named Governor’s Policy Director
Anne Hall Brashier Named Governor @tatereeves' Policy Director READ MORE>> https://t.co/h8kwQvbAbA
— Magnolia Tribune (@magnoliatribune) January 5, 2021