Governor Tate Reeves has requested a Federal Disaster Declaration for Individual and Public Assistance as well as U.S. Small Business Administration Assistance following Hurricane Zeta that impacted portions of Southeast Mississippi on October 28, 2020.
Zeta slammed the Gulf Coast producing eight feet of storm surge and maximum wind gusts around 100 mph. Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments were conducted by FEMA, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency and local governments beginning November 10, 2020.There was an estimated total of $79,000,000 worth of damage to public infrastructure and more than $10,000,000 worth of damage to homes and businesses.
After damage assessments were completed, it was determined that six counties met the threshold to receive Individual Assistance as well as SBA Assistance and eight counties met the threshold to receive Public Assistance.
Individual Assistance has been requested for: George, Greene, Jackson, Hancock, Harrisonand Stone.
Public Assistance has been requested for: George, Greene, Jackson, Hancock, Harrison, Perry, Stone and Wayne.
SBA Assistance has also been requested for: George, Greene, Jackson, Hancock, Harrisonand Stone.
These request must be approved by the President.
Press Release