A video clip of a sermon given by Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate in Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock, has surfaced where he compares the Palestinian violence with that of Black Lives Matter.
Warnock is the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. He is running against Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler.
The Democrat begins by taking issue with Israel amid the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying, “Yes, there may have been some folk who were were violent, but we oughta know how that works out.”
“It’s been a tough week. The administration opened up the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Standing there the president’s family and a few mealy-mouthed evangelical preachers who are responsible for the mess that we found ourselves in, both there and here, misquoting and misinterpreting the Scripture, talking about peace.
“Meanwhile young Palestinian sisters and brothers, who are struggling for their very lives, struggling for water and struggling for their human dignity, stood up in a non-violent protest, saying, ‘If we’re going to die, we’re going to die struggling. And yes, there may have been some folk who were violent, but we oughta know how that works out.
Warnock then calls the Palestinian violence a “peaceful demonstration” where the media focused on “a few violent uprisings,” calling to mind Black Lives Matter.
“We know what it’s like to stand up and have a peaceful demonstration and have the media focus on a few violent uprisings. But you have to look at those Palestinian sisters and brothers, who are struggling for their human dignity and they have a right to self-determination, they have a right to breathe free. We need a two state solution where all of God’s children can live together. If we can’t live together in the Holy City what in the world are we talking about?…
“We saw the government of Israel shoot down unarmed Palestinian sisters and brothers like birds of prey. And I don’t care who does it, it is wrong. It is wrong to shoot down God’s children like they don’t matter at all. And it’s no more anti-Semitic for me to say that than it is anti-white for me to say that black lives matter. Palestinian lives matter.”
You can watch the clip making its way around the internet below.