Executive Director Stacey Pickering of the Mississippi Veterans Affairs took to social media on Tuesday to discuss suicide awareness and prevention.
“Today 22 Military personnel and veterans will commit suicide. These are the latest statistics from the Veterans Affairs Administration,” said Pickering. “Unfortunately Mississippi’s statistics track in line when you adjust per capital.”
As an Air Force Chaplin Pickering has counseled many active duty and national guard veterans. He said his personal experience has shown him the need to develop tools to help veterans and reduce suicide rates.
Lt. Commander Mark Torres, Navy Chaplin, said some concerns revolve around those who are in active duty. These individuals face stressors like getting ready for deployment, being on deployment and even returning home from deployment.
Other problems can come from the uncertainty of where your job will be and the next time your’e asked to pick up and move. As a service member there is still a desire to have an impact in their community