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YP Daily Roundup 9/4/20

YP Daily Roundup 9/4/20

By: Magnolia Tribune - September 4, 2020

YP – Judge rules voters with pre-existing conditions can vote absentee; SOS Appealing

On Wednesday, Hinds County Chancery Judge Denise Owens ruled that voters with pre-existing conditions that cause COVID-19 to present a greater risk of severe illness or death can vote by absentee during the pandemic to the extent that such pre-existing conditions interfere with or limits a person’s daily activities.

The ruling did not allow voters who merely wanted to avoid “in-person” contact to vote absentee…

…Y’all Politics received this statement from the Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson Thursday afternoon:

“Our office received and reviewed Chancellor Owens’ ruling, and we are in the process of appealing it to the Mississippi Supreme Court. The appeal is an effort to receive clarification for our Circuit Clerks, so they know exactly what does and does not equate to a “temporary disability” under the statute. The goal is to make sure the application of the term is consistent for every Mississippi voter.”

MSDH daily COVID-19 reporting

YP – Medical Marijuana survey says Mississippians support passage in November

A new survey out this week says more than 80% of Mississippi voters support allowing doctors to recommend medical marijuana to patients with debilitating conditions.

The report is based on a recent telephone survey released by Mississippians for Compassionate Care, the group advocating for the passage of medical marijuana through Initiative 65.  It was conducted by FM3 Research which polled 600 likely November 2020 General Election voters.

“In principle, four in five (81%) Mississippi voters support doctors being able to recommend medical marijuana to patients with medical conditions and serious illnesses,” wrote the pollsters in findings memo, “and more than two-thirds (68%) do so strongly.”

YP – Former Exec. Director, Contractors of MDE charged in contract bid-rigging scheme

YP – New healthcare reimbursement program launched in Mississippi

A new program aimed at reimbursing healthcare facilities like clinics and nursing homes launched on Wednesday in Mississippi.

The program is designed to put CARES Act funds in the hands of healthcare professionals as reimbursements for the purchase of “personal protective equipment,” or PPE, and allowing for COVID-19 testing for employees and staff.

YP – MDOT presents 5 vehicles to SW MS law enforcement agencies

YP Special Elections Series: Cindy Bryan for MS Senate District 39

The Senate seat for District 39 is currently vacant after former incumbent Sally Doty was appointed to the Public Utilities Staff by Governor Tate Reeves. One candidate for the seat is Cindy Bryan.

US Attorney Hurst says Jackson police underpaid, understaffed undervalued

Protest in Harrison County raise tensions near Confederate monument

WJTV – Mississippi Colleges and Universities launch Stronger Together initiative

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.