Today, Congressman Michael Guest (MS-03) voted to bring a resolution to the floor to censure Chairman Adam Schiff. The House of Representatives voted along party lines to table the resolution to censure Adam Schiff and dismiss the allegations that he lied to the American public.
Congressman Guest opposed tabling the resolution and believes Adam Schiff must be held accountable for his statements. “Mr. Schiff mislead the American people in his re-telling of President Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and has displayed a history of misguiding the American people in a way that is not becoming of a Member of the House of Representatives,” Guest said. “Honesty is one of the highest virtues of elected office and one that must be held above political gamesmanship. An honest public servant is expected to deliver the truth to the American public. Mr. Schiff decided to re-tell his own version of President Trump’s conversation, which Mr. Schiff never heard, in an attempt to mislead. He must be held accountable for his actions, but instead of righting this wrong, the Democrats have refused to allow us to vote on the issue. Instead of restoring honesty in our Congress, Democrats have effectively killed this resolution and have hidden justice from the American people.”
Congressman Michael Guest Press Release