Today, Tate Reeves earned the endorsement of the NFIB—the nation’s premier organization representing small businesses across the country. Reeves earned the endorsement based on his commitment to jobs-friendly policies and record of working to grow Mississippi’s economy.
“The choices have never been clearer to small business for governor,” said Ron Aldridge, NFIB’s state director for Mississippi. “Our members support the candidates who support small business with more than a sound bite and who won’t turn back the clock with failed policies that hurt small business.
“As lieutenant governor, Tate Reeves has earned small business’s trust and support,” Aldridge said. “He has shown us that he not only understands the challenges facing our small, family businesses and their employees in their fight to survive and grow but works with them to find commonsense solutions.
“Tate Reeves knows that in order to create jobs, you have to support Mississippi’s job creators,” Aldridge said. “He has worked to reduce tax rates, oppose excessive mandates and regulations, and ensure the continued protection of our legal climate. He has pursued more effective workforce training and done everything he can to ensure that state government lives within its means, just like small businesses do.”
“Tate Reeves can be counted on to stand up for small business and the principle of free enterprise,” Aldridge said. “His continued leadership will keep our great state on the pathway to success that benefits us all.”
“As governor, my top priority will be growing Mississippi’s economy and helping all workers and businesses to thrive. We must continue to encourage the growth of our small businesses—they are essential to our state’s success,” said Lt. Governor Tate Reeves