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YP Daily Roundup 4/3/19

YP Daily Roundup 4/3/19

By: Magnolia Tribune - April 3, 2019

Hosemann releases new campaign ad for Lt. Governor run


Foster, Waller debate at MSU

WDAM – McCarty wins in House District 101 runoff

McCarty wins in House District 101 runoffKent McCarty won a Tuesday runoff to become the next representative for Mississippi House District 101.

McCarty received 68% of the vote to defeat Steven Utroska, according to Lamar County Circuit Clerk Martin Hankins. McCarty finished with a total of 1,760 votes, while Utroska finished with 825 total votes.

McCarty will fill the seat vacated by Brad Touchstone, who was elected to serve as Lamar County Judge.

WCBI – Mississippi Commissioner of Revenue visits Columbus

Hood promotes #EqualPayDay


WDAM – AG candidate tours the Pine Belt

AG candidate tours the Pine BeltAttorney General candidate Andy Taggart was in the Pine Belt today as he continued his state-wide bus tour.

Over the past three decades, Taggart has served as a practicing attorney and counsel to many of the state’s top leaders. For the past seven years, spurred by a tragic, personal loss, Taggart has served as a passionate crusader among young people and families battling illicit drugs. He believes the fight against drugs, and the predators who profit from others’ destruction, should be top priority for law enforcement, led by the state’s next Attorney General.

Sen. Wicker seeks answers on NATO priorities


Congressmen Palazzo, Guest supports #LetUsVote petition for Abortion Survivor Protection Act


LAUREL LEADER CALL – 4 locals start political consulting firm

Jerel WadeRight Way Strategies, LLC is a new political consulting firm started in Jones County. The firm was founded by Richard Conrad, Jack Fairchilds, Kelvin “Dawg” Smith and Jerel Wade. These four helped plan and organize various political events around the area, from state Sen. Chris McDaniel’s announcement of a run for U.S. Senate to a candidate forum for the 2017 special election for State Representative for District 89...

…“When thinking of forming Right Way Strategies, getting us four together was the easy decision,” Smith said. “This group has the experience and has been through a lot together. The heartbeat of conservatism in Mississippi is right here in Jones County, and we have Chris McDaniel to thank for that.”

Jack FairchildsFairchilds has been involved in several statewide campaigns and every campaign for McDaniel dating back to his first run for state Senate. He also was the host of the long running Right Side Radio Program.

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Magnolia Tribune

This article was produced by Magnolia Tribune staff.