WAPT – Mississippi Senate OKs bid for constitutional convention
The Mississippi Senate has approved a plan to join other states in asking for a national convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
The Senate voted 32-17 on Thursday to adopt a resolution calling for a convention of the states to take up amendments imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the federal government’s powers and imposing term limits on Congress.
CLARION LEDGER – The photos and names of Shuler Smith’s supporters on his website aren’t real
The three smiling faces that appeared above supporter testimonials on the Robert Shuler Smith for governor campaign website when it launched were actually stock photos of models, and the identities given are fake.
Shuler Smith, a Democrat and current district attorney for Hinds County, sent a link to his campaign website — www.voterobertshulersmith.com — to a Clarion Ledger reporter Wednesday. He did not respond to requests for comment.
Kathryn Perry, campaign manager, said Thursday the website is a “rough draft.”
“We’re going to be adding to it and taking away from it,” Perry said.
WCBI – Governor approves bill aimed at collecting unpaid fines
State Rep. Anderson: Republican supermajority in Legislature “out of control”
If nothing more this election cycle has to bring balance—the Republican Leadership and their #SuperMajority is out of control. Their lack of interest in diversity of thought is hurting Mississippians. It’s time to flip some seats @flippable_org @TheDLCC @msdemocrats @MSDemTrust
— Rep. Jeramey Anderson (@jerameyanderson) March 22, 2019
DAILY JOURNAL – Baker promises to remake attorney general’s office
Stumping for the attorney general’s office before a crowd of Lee County Republicans, state Rep. Mark Baker focused heavily on drawing distinctions between himself and the Democratic incumbent vacating the office.
“At some point, we have got to have a conservative in the office of attorney general who represents Mississippi values,” Baker said Monday. “So I have been on this quest to change the office of attorney general.”
A Rankin County legislator, Baker is one of three Republicans who hope to replace Jim Hood, who has for years been the only Democrat to hold statewide office in Mississippi.
WTVA – Mississippi ‘heartbeat’ abortion law signed
Gov. Bryant defends Watson, Gibert
Sen. Michael Watson and Gerard Gibert are two of the finest, most honorable men I know. Those that questioned their integrity would wither under similar scrutiny. This is just politics as usual with Democrats. https://t.co/w8nGG9neTe
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) March 21, 2019
WTVA – Ole Miss makes move to relocate Confederate statute
University of Mississippi administrators are working to get final approval to move a Confederate monument to another location on campus.
The monument currently sits on University Circle, but student and faculty governmental groups have recommended it be moved to the Confederate cemetery near Tad Smith Coliseum.
Interim Chancellor Larry Sparks discussed the matter in a letter he sent Thursday afternoon to students, faculty and staff.
“The shared governance process has demonstrated that our campus constituents are in alignment, and we agree that the monument should be relocated to a more suitable location.”
NEWSMS – Legislature considers foster care tax credits
Canopy CEO, Dr. John Damon says there are around 5,000 kids in the child welfare system and many of those kids are taken care of by nonprofit organizations such as Canopy. However, while the organizations are in contract with the state, the dollar amount that they are contracted for is significantly short of what the actual costs are to deliver the service.
Damon says 100% of the nonprofits are out every day raising money to cover the cost to deliver the service for the state’s kids.
“This is an opportunity to bring another group of people, the corporations, our businesses, who want to be socially minded and get their employees involved in something that means something, to the table and get tax credits to support the crisis that we’ve had of our foster care system in the state,” said Damon.
Currently, the bill would mean a $15 million business tax credit. While there is a limit on how much of the tax credits individuals can receive, $500 per person or $1,000 per married couple. The bill is also looking to increase the cap on individual tax credits from $1 million to $3 million.