Dane Maxwell, a Republican candidate for Southern District Public Service Commissioner, has filed a complaint with the Mississippi Republican Party regarding the candidacy of his opponent, Perry Parker. The complaint has led to the challenging of Parker’s candidacy. Parker told Y’all Politics that he is providing a response to MSGOP Chairman Lucien Smith.
In a letter to Smith, Maxwell stated that he has received questions from his constituents regarding the legality of Parker’s candidacy based on where the businessman has lived in the past five years.
The Maxwell campaign also provided documentation that showed Parker had registered to vote in Connecticut since 2014.
Perry Parker Residency Chal… by on Scribd
Maxwell released the following statement on the challenge:
“Based on the number of questions and concerns raised to me by voters in the Southern District over Mr. Parker’s residency, and after reviewing documentation that further caused concerns over his residency, I filed the challenge with the chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party.
“It is imperative that the MSGOP review the documentation and ensure that Mr. Parker meets the residency requirement to run for this office as such a challenge would likely come after the primary from across the aisle.
“The Southern District has traditionally elected a conservative Republican to this seat, and those voters should not potentially lose this seat to a Democrat on a legal challenge over residency if it can be determined by the state party now before our Republican primary.
“Either way, I am focused on running my race and connecting with voters in the Southern District, listening to their concerns and asking for their support as the next Southern District Public Service Commissioner.”
Parker, in an interview with Y’all Politics, did not deny having lived in Connecticut for work, but dismissed Maxwell’s residency challenge.

“But home has always been in Mississippi,” said Parker. He said that he and his wife have owned a home and farm in Seminary since 1993, where he owned cattle.
“The cattle business is what got me started,” Parker added.
Parker confirmed having registered to vote in Connecticut and California before, as he was conducting business there as a trader at the time.
“I registered in June 2017 to vote in Covington County,” said Parker. Parker will submit additional supporting documentation to the MSGOP.