WJTV – Hood questioned about office rent
The crux of the issue centers on transparency, Hood has been a tireless advocate for transparency at the Capitol. And others at the news conference say he took issue with what he considers to be a ‘right leaning’ political news outlet.
A number of other state lawmakers also have offices around the state, though traditionally housed in offices owned or leased by the state.
“Y’all Politics” says the public record requests seeking more details as to the evolution of the office are pending.
When asked by WJTV about his plans should he win the Governor’s office, Hood said he will reside in Jackson.
CLARION LEDGER – Why is Bill Waller running for governor? In his words: Mississippi’s “house is on fire”
Why are you a better choice than Reeves?
Waller: First of all, he’s a friend of mine, and he actually worked on one of my campaigns in 1996. We’ve known each other a long time, and it’s nothing negative against him, but more of a philosophical difference. He takes the position there should be no taxes and he has been reluctant to try new things to advance this state … My main concern, the main point of my campaign is going to be our infrastructure needs. We’ve got failing highways and bridges, and what was done in the special session (of the Legislature last year) was totally inadequate. You couldn’t even call it a Band-aid — $250 million of one-time money that was borrowed is not a good solution to a multi-billion dollar issue that is affecting every citizen in this state.
WLOX – Mississippi Secretary of State speaks at Maritime Museum
Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann was the guest speaker at the general membership meeting of the Mississippi Maritime Museum. He was welcomed by all and spoke on a message of history.
“It’s real important, I think, to remember our history. Three hundred years ago, they came here with 13 carpenters, and now we build 70 percent of the Navy. So it’s quite an evolution,” Hosemann said. “I think it’s important to remember that we started with just that in 1699. Our children need to recognize our history, and that will allow them to build on it, I think.”
Lt. Gov. Reeves promotes endorsements for campaign for Governor
I am honored to have over 300 endorsements from strong conservative voices all around the state supporting my run for Governor. Together, we will keep Mississippi on the right track. Join our team at https://t.co/fwP08WolB0 pic.twitter.com/wkTSUMT05q
— Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) February 28, 2019
WJTV – Jim Hood makes official announcement for Governor
Sen. Wicker votes to confirm EPA head
Today I voted to confirm Andrew Wheeler as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. I wish him well as he continues the Trump Administration’s work to restore balance to the @EPA and roll back burdensome rules and regulations. pic.twitter.com/jY7385b3Uu
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) February 28, 2019
Sen. Hyde-Smith introduces bill to combat CWD
I’ve introduced a bill to establish a unified framework for combatting chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. Mississippi is on the geographic eastern-leading edge of the spreading #CWD epidemic, which now affects at least 25 states. pic.twitter.com/ruuvrh5UEY
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) February 28, 2019
WLOX/WLBT – Mississippi House passes Landowners Protection Act
Right now, if you get injured while you’re on someone’s property by another individual, that landowner is fully liable, even if they don’t know the person who hurt you. But that could change if the Landowners Protection Act is signed into law.
“Business owners should not in and of themselves, bear the brunt of the crime that’s occurring,” noted Rep. Mark Baker (R).
All of these logos represent business organizations supporting the act. Why? They say it will protect businesses from frivolous lawsuits.
“What we’re trying to do is simply clarify when landowners are responsible, that they be held responsible, but when they’re not responsible, how does that work,” added Baker.
CLARION LEDGER – Dems, GOP agree: If it’s not meat, don’t call it meat in Mississippi
In Mississippi, Republicans and Democrats can agree on one thing — don’t call it meat unless it’s real meat.
Engineered products and plant-based products, such as the Impossible Burger, are a growing trend in the United States and food labeling issues have been raising concerns among lawmakers.
Subsequently, in an overwhelming show of bipartisan support, the Mississippi House passed Senate Bill 2922 by a 117-0 vote Thursday to prohibit the labeling of animal cultures, plants and insects as meat. The bill now goes to the governor for his signature.
NEWSMS – Heartbeat bill sent to House floor
The ‘heartbeat bill’ took another step forward at the Capitol.
A bill to prohibit an abortion in Mississippi as soon as a fetus has a detectable heartbeat passed through the Senate earlier in the legislative session, and now, it has been sent to the House floor after it passed through the House Public Health & Human Services Committee yesterday.
State Sen. McDaniel posts statement after decision not to run for Governor, but seek re-election to Legislature
Gov. Bryant seeks audit on child-based programs
I requested today that Mississippi State Auditor @shadwhite conduct a performance-based audit of child-based programs within state departments or agencies that receive state or federal funds to protect or promote children’s health, safety, and education. pic.twitter.com/7PcFX7e4Ke
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) February 28, 2019
WJTV – Mike Espy featured at black history program
GULFLIVE – 21-year-old USM student eyeing becoming the House representative elected in state’s history
In 2013, Rep. Jeramey Anderson made history when he became the youngest person elected to the Mississippi Legislature when he won the District 110 seat at age 21.
Univ. of Southern Mississippi student Brandon Rue is up-to-bat and is looking to become the youngest elected official in the state’s history as he is seeking to represent House District 102 in Hattiesburg…
…Rickey Cole, former chairman of the State Democratic Party from 2001-2004 was on hand at Rue’s formal announcement kickoff and said Mississippi’s older generation has had its chance at righting the ship…
…Rue is seeking to unseat current District 102 Rep. Missy McGee (R-Hattiesburg), someone he says most students at USM and people in the community don’t know.
“We need our representatives to be true representatives and she is only visible to the elite and people she calls her friend,” Rue said. “It is time out for that – it is time out for representatives who put the party over the people.”