WTOK – Wicker: Farm bill fosters free trade
COMMERCIAL APPEAL – Phil Bryant: Bold action needed for criminal justice reform
I spoke at the first Mississippi Summit on Criminal Justice Reform on Tuesday about the need to invest in proven public safety strategies.
Those in attendance heard similar testimonials from legislators, judges, law enforcement officials, and families impacted by incarceration, all of whom are ready to see Mississippi take the next step on criminal justice reform.
There is no doubt we have made important progress in recent years. Mississippi’s prison population was at an all-time high when I took office, and I’m proud of the changes we’ve made to reduce the prison population while maintaining strong public safety.
Since the historic overhaul of our sentencing laws in 2014, we’ve experienced declines in both crime and imprisonment rates. But there is still work to be done.
Bryant attends Christmas at the White House
I am happy to be at Christmas at the White House this evening. ?? pic.twitter.com/5qpMAmLnex
— Phil Bryant (@PhilBryantMS) December 14, 2018
Wicker honors Buffington in Senate floor speech
Today I spoke on the Senate floor to honor Rex Buffington, who is retiring as the executive director of the @StennisCenter after 30 years: https://t.co/4ee7uVfmmw @rgbii
— Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) December 13, 2018
Hyde-Smith sends National Guard a Happy Birthday message
Happy 382nd Birthday to the @USNationalGuard. Wishing you and all deployed @DeptofDefense servicemembers happy holidays. Thank you for your service. We are grateful for the sacrifices you and your families make to keep us safe at home and abroad. @nationalguardMS @155ABCT pic.twitter.com/wqAwccZ4N7
— U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (@SenHydeSmith) December 13, 2018
WXXV – Senator Michael Watson running for Secretary of State
Today, members of the Ocean Springs Lions Club had lunch with state Senator Michael Watson. Watson has his eyes set on becoming secretary of state.
District 51 State Senator Michael Watson grew up in Pascagoula and graduated from Ole Miss. He feels the Gulf Coast needs more representation at the state level. “It is important for the Coast to understand we need a bigger voice on the state-wide level and this is a great opportunity for us to have that. Having someone elected to secretary of state’s office would be really good for the Coast.”