New pre-general filing reports are now out for each of the Senate hopefuls. This filing records all donations given to committees’ for the candidates from October 1 until the 17th.
Friends of Chris McDaniel reported $50,918.75 donated for the period leaving them with $70,585.74 cash on hand. However, McDaniel carries a $55,000.00 loan out on the campaign.
Chris McDaniel by yallpolitics on Scribd
The Mike Espy For Senate Campaign reported $396,164.79 raised in the pre-general period. Noting $719,421.24 cash on hand with an $110,656.00 loan out.
Mike Espy for Senate by yallpolitics on Scribd
For Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith For Senate they reported bringing in $255,010.24 since the first of October, with $801,941.48 cash on hand at the close. However, CHS had no loans taken out against the campaign.
Cindy Hyde Smith by yallpolitics on Scribd
The MS Victory Fund, a PAC basically in existence to keep Chris McDaniel from becoming a U.S. Senator and in full support of Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, reported $341,306.31 cash on hand at the close of the reporting period with no loans out. Total contributions for the period $275,000.00.
MS Victory Fund by yallpolitics on Scribd
Remember Mississippi, another super PAC, this one dedicated to backing McDaniel, showed $502,000.00 in contributions. $23,319.54 cash on hand at the beginning of the filing period, and $33,804.31 at the end.
Remember Mississippi by yallpolitics on Scribd
Probably the most eye catching donation of them all comes from Robert Mercer. He gave $500,000 to Remember Mississippi. Not only is the amount extremely generous, but this is the first time Mercer has gone against President Trump in his giving to a candidate.
Regular US Senate election
In the other US Senate election, Roger Wicker reported $79K in contributions over the period with $2.56 million cash on hand. This would seem to indicate that he is pretty confident about beating his opponent David Baria.
Wicker Pre Primary FEC Report by yallpolitics on Scribd
David Baria is reporting $103K in contributions with $80K in cash on hand.
Baria Pre Primary FEC report by yallpolitics on Scribd